Inner Expeditions
Conversations about mindset, health and adventure. Delving a bit deeper with special guests to help us re-connect with ourselves and the outdoors. We'll also try and discover alternative methods to aid in our wellbeing. The show aligns with my own experiences after I started running to lose weight and resulted in me changing careers to simplify my life and overcome severe anxiety. Since then I've discovered that all round health is more than just physical fitness. I'll share with you stories and experiences with selected guests to inspire and motivate you to step outside your boundaries and try something new.
Inner Expeditions
S2 E1 Being Carbon Conscious With Jess Smith
For the first episode of season 2 and 2021 I've invited Jess Smith in to talk about how to reduce our reliance on plastic and be more carbon savvy.
Jess lives here in Exmouth where she has opened a bulk foods store that gives us the opportunity to shop plastic free. When shopping you can either bring your own packaging (preferably not plastic), use glass jars that have been donated or paper bags. The idea being that the items Jess stocks are in bulk drums or bins for you to then fill your own containers.
There is a good range of stock from cleaning products to cooking oils, beans, grains, seeds and flour as well as treats and vegan chocolate. Options are also there for gluten free items with a most items being consciously made and sourced.
During the episode we cover how much we rely on plastic in todays society and how far it is making it into the food chain, our own bodies as well as planetary impacts. We discuss simple swaps and how easily you can start at home right now on reducing you use of plastic and start heading in the right direction in looking after our mother earth.
We can all make easy changes to make our lifestyle more sustainable and maybe even with a bit more effort, help to repair the impact we have had on our home. I think we are heading in the right direction and the actions we take now will be carried forward and improved on by future generations.