Inner Expeditions
Conversations about mindset, health and adventure. Delving a bit deeper with special guests to help us re-connect with ourselves and the outdoors. We'll also try and discover alternative methods to aid in our wellbeing. The show aligns with my own experiences after I started running to lose weight and resulted in me changing careers to simplify my life and overcome severe anxiety. Since then I've discovered that all round health is more than just physical fitness. I'll share with you stories and experiences with selected guests to inspire and motivate you to step outside your boundaries and try something new.
Podcasting since 2020 • 29 episodes
Inner Expeditions
Latest Episodes
#29 Music, Mindfulness and Ultramarathons with Michael Dunstan
This week I sit down with the incredibly talented singer/songwriter Michael Dunstan. For most of you who know Michael as a musician you may not know that he's also an accomplished ultramarathon runner with a recent podium at the internati...
Episode 30

#28 Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone With James Brougham
Have you ever dreamt of what could be possible if we took a leap of faith? To start something that we've always wanted to do but the fear of the unknown stops us?We all have our comfort zones we like to stay inside that keeps us feeling...
Episode 28

#27 Planetary Awareness with Astronomer Greg Quicke
I'm truely humbled to have the chance to sit down and talk with renowned astronomer Greg Quicke aka Space Gandalf.While "Quickie" was in town during the 2023 total solar eclipse he dropped in to chat about his practical approach to the ...
Episode 27

#26 Embrace Your Fitness Journey with PT Matt Whitelock
What do you get when you chat with a weight lifting, rock band playing endurance runner who is also a personal trainer? Tune in as I talk with Matt Whitelock on his ups and downs of life, how his fitness journey kept him goi...
Episode 26

#25 Ultrarunner Phil Gore on Raising the Bar
I'm pretty excited to share this episode with you, featuring the current Australian Backyard Ultra record holder Phil Gore.We talk about how Phil picked up running again as an adult and what started off as a simple run streak to improve...
Episode 25