Inner Expeditions
Conversations about mindset, health and adventure. Delving a bit deeper with special guests to help us re-connect with ourselves and the outdoors. We'll also try and discover alternative methods to aid in our wellbeing. The show aligns with my own experiences after I started running to lose weight and resulted in me changing careers to simplify my life and overcome severe anxiety. Since then I've discovered that all round health is more than just physical fitness. I'll share with you stories and experiences with selected guests to inspire and motivate you to step outside your boundaries and try something new.
Inner Expeditions
S2 E2 The Value of Community with Shane Coote
For this episode I ask friend and business owner Shane Coote to come and talk about life taking us on different paths, seeking opportunity and what it takes to create a successful business while staying humble.
Shane has built a great life for himself and his family by turning a small part time transport business into a full freight and logistics company. While moving forward and seeking new ways for business to grow, they have added new services to suit change and opportunity. With a new business growing along with everyday life thrown in he has never lost focus on what is important and why he started in the first place.
We talk about what keeps us moving forward and how being part of a community can help keep our feet on the ground and feel secure as we help to support each other. While Shane has worked hard over the last 20 years he is realising what it was all for and now wants to make the most out of his time off with his family. It's a balance to manage work/life balance but letting go of work when you get home will give you a great chance to enjoy being present for your family.
As someone I admire and look up to, Shane was one of the first people I wanted to get on the show. It took a bit longer to get him on than planned but I hope you enjoy listening as much I did talking with him.