Inner Expeditions
Conversations about mindset, health and adventure. Delving a bit deeper with special guests to help us re-connect with ourselves and the outdoors. We'll also try and discover alternative methods to aid in our wellbeing. The show aligns with my own experiences after I started running to lose weight and resulted in me changing careers to simplify my life and overcome severe anxiety. Since then I've discovered that all round health is more than just physical fitness. I'll share with you stories and experiences with selected guests to inspire and motivate you to step outside your boundaries and try something new.
Inner Expeditions
S2 E9 Marathoner Jon Pendse On All Things Running
For this instalment of the show I'm joined by experienced marathon and Ultra Runner Jon Pendse. Jon has a long and extensive career in running and shares with us all aspects of running from training to nutrition and mindset, all of which he has done with a rare disease called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria or PNH. It is a disease which causes a destruction of red blood cells and causes impaired bone marrow function.
We discuss how at 39 and living with this PNH how Jon is still pushing his performance and focusing on beating his PB's as he enters his 40's. We talk about routine, training and finding what works well for him as well as taking a look at his nutrition and how it has varied as he looks to push his potential further.
Jon informs us that what works for him could vary in what works for others as everyones lives, schedules and genetic make up mean we need to experiment to find what works for us. What we find though is that everyone needs a 'why' or reason to take up something new, be it running or any new challenge we decide to take on and always just focus on our own efforts without comparing ourselves to others.
One thing that we all love about running is the constant learning of our selves as we progress. It could be a 5 k park run PB to mastering our minds to endure an ultramarathon, this sport has so much to give us to aid in understanding ourselves and improving as a people in general.
One common thing seems to be the stress relief and mindfulness we get every time we lace up and head out, giving us a chance to reset and hit an almost medative state. Running is truely a great community to be a part of.