Inner Expeditions
Conversations about mindset, health and adventure. Delving a bit deeper with special guests to help us re-connect with ourselves and the outdoors. We'll also try and discover alternative methods to aid in our wellbeing. The show aligns with my own experiences after I started running to lose weight and resulted in me changing careers to simplify my life and overcome severe anxiety. Since then I've discovered that all round health is more than just physical fitness. I'll share with you stories and experiences with selected guests to inspire and motivate you to step outside your boundaries and try something new.
Inner Expeditions
S2 E13 Important Connections With Joel Jackson
Australian actor and musician Joel Jackson joins me this episode to talk about his current project 'The Lap WA' and about what inspired him to get it underway. 'The Lap' is a 10,000k motorbike ride for Joel and his dad, Weston riding for 100 days and visiting 45 towns across Western Australia. The aim is to raise money for Telethon as well as raise awareness for the struggle young lives across the country are going through right now. The boys are also joined by Joel's mum who is following them in the support vehicle.
We talk about his love for the land and the people that he has grown up with from the south coast of WA up the the red dirt in Karratha in the north, where he started playing music and decided to study to become an actor.
Now with his career on the rise there's been new challenges and roadblocks as the pandemic throws in some curve balls as it has for many.
As parts of life can look uncertain it's great to see Joel's positivity as he explains the gratitude he has for the people he has and meets in his life. There's a great energy from engaging with people in the moment and taking time to listen and learn from older generations, something we should cherish and hold onto wherever possible.
On top of everything we should make sure we take time out for ourselves, get outside and appreciate the outdoors whenever possible. So put away the distractions, take in our surroundings even for just a moment allow for some stillness in the mind and be grateful for the simple things we do have.
Some great books Joel mentions and are some of his favourites are:
'On the Shortness of Life' by Seneca
'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius
The 'Hawkmoon' series by Michael Moorcock
We both mention 'Breath the New Science to a Lost Art' by James Nestor.